Before you go do that shouldn't you ask yourself is it even worth it i'm going to tell you three reasons you should and.
Three reasons you shouldn't take these exams so you can weigh these factors yourself and decide what's best for you i'm avi saying microsoft mvp and best-selling.
Power bi author i have trained and coached thousands of professionals to get breakthrough success in their power bi career.
And in doing so i work with employers as well as people looking for jobs so let's see what they both think about power bi certification the first reason you should consider.
Taking the power bi certification exams is that it's easy well i know it's going to take some work but if you look around you would see a lot of people.
Is paid training and all of that stuff there as well so yeah it shouldn't be hard for you to go through the training and be able to clear these exams.
The second reason and this one is obvious is that it could give you an edge when it comes to looking for a new job or a new.
Opportunity that is often the primary reason people consider these exams and when i've talked to employers they have said that what it can do is give.
You that slight bump so imagine a pile of resumes and getting having that certification may bump you up a few spots in that resume pile and.
They've also told me that if they have two candidates which are totally at the same level have the same qualification certifications.
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And they were equally impressive in the
Interview then it's quite possible that if one has the certification exam that one may edge out the other one all else being equal the third reason to get.A power bi certification is that it can be a great starting point when you're learning something new new technology it can be intimidating there's so much to learn and how can you.
Tell that are you learning something of value power bi certification can be can feel like that stamp of approval where somebody tells you that.
Yep you know something and and that can be a great motivator now it is a stepping point and we'll talk more about that but it can be a you know good motivation.
To get to that pit stop so that you can continue on that journey forward now let's talk about three reasons why you may not want to go through the power bi certification exams and we're going.
To go a little bit deeper here the first reason is actually the same as the first list so first reason why you.
Shouldn't get power via certification is that it is easy and again as i said i mean all i have to do is look through my linkedin feed and i'm.
It's possible you see the same thing there are lots and lots of people out there kind of announcing hey look i got certified i got certified so it's it's it's not a high bar.
And employers know it and employees do too and so employers again that's why i talked about the best it can give you is that slight bump the slight edge.
But it doesn't give by you more than
That because again people know that it's not that hard to clear these exams and of course if you look at from the.Employee perspective i run a power bi training program and i often get members who just got their certification and then they join my course.
And they tell me this is these are their words say yeah avi i cleared the exam but now i really want to know how to use power bi so there's that disconnect between.
You know just that exam knowledge versus being able to solve real problems so exam is easy but that also means that it's not that much of a differentiating factor.
Let's talk about the second reason why you shouldn't get the power bi certification exam now this is what my very first resume looked like i was.
Fresh out of college and really eager to land my first job but my resume has never looked like that since because only if you are a rookie if you're just starting out.
Maybe just out of college or starting a brand new career again a total rookie would put their edu education qualifications first.
And talk about the certifications or highlight their certifications as soon as i gain experience even if six months one year you always lead with that because it is.
More powerful so here's the catch by maybe highlighting or talking about certification you may put yourself with the rookies.
Right so since it's often the rookie who's kind of doing these kind of things focus on education certification and kind of touting that pushing that forward.
Just by that act you may bundle yourself with that group now if you are a rookie well there's no you know no harm done but if you are let's say a 10-year veteran in the.
Industry then you may not doubt it you may not even put it in front and you may highlight your real-life experience and just as an afterthought mention maybe.
That you do have the certification but you're certainly gonna not gonna lead with it so be careful about you know that the value that you get from certification.
May be limited the third reason you should consider before you decide about investing your time and money towards getting a power via.
Certification exam is exactly that you need to think like an investor so think about this commitment towards power bi certification exam.
As investing a thousand dollars so often people question the question people ask is that oh is it gonna help me and that's like saying oh if i put my.
Thousand dollars in this bank account am i gonna get any returns the answer is yes but that's the wrong question you ask the right question to ask is where can i.
Invest my money and put my money so that i can get the best returns possible so the same way you should be asking yourself where can you invest your time.
And effort and energy so that you can get the best results possible now again i've worked with employers employees i've been training and coaching and doing this for.
A long time if you ask me the area where you can get the best possible returns is actually to get a real life power bi experience and that.
Requires two things that you need to be working on real business data but also that you need to be working with a real business client that's how you get really good at power.
Bi by getting that real practice now of course that can be challenging for some but again if you have an opportunity to do a project like that.
Your time and effort is better served doing that instead of spending that time and energy on getting a certification exam again think.
Like an investor now where is the best possible place for you to get the return on your money hey let me know in the comments below.
If this video changed your mind about getting a power bi certification or maybe not getting a power bi certification and if you have gotten a power bi.
Certification let us know what your experience has been about the value of the certification so leave a comment below and make sure to.
Read the comments of other folks as well because i'm sure there's going to be a lot of valuable knowledge and information there i'll see you next.