Query to you know databases and this is just dummy data feeding it did so I'm not trying to you know show you the how I you know will do the forum how its design and other stuff in the coming.
Videos but today I'm just trying to add a date picker here and you know I'm just trying to see if that'll work so first um I'm you know going to Google Drive where else you know put download link.
For you as well if you're interested some double downloading this date picker file it's a mess come city to dot you know this is you know compressed file right now so I've.
Downloaded this file I'll just extract this unlike strike this into a folder okay and we need to you know we need to copy this file into you know our windows folder so first I'll just copy this and.
Then we'll have to register this in our computer to make to make it work so I'll just close this for now I'll just close this file for now and I'll copy this file I'm going to my C Drive and then.
I'm going to windows and then I'll go to a folder called sis whoa 64 okay and then it's sis wo W 6-4 and I'll just paste this file here okay so it says you'll need a permission.
You know administrator permission so let's click on continue so if you already have a file it will ask you to replace it so that means it's already there for you so you don't have to redo.
This so after you paste this file here you just take the full pot of this file by going to properties security and then you copy this whole pot that you pissed it and we'll have to you know register.
This for us to be able to use it as a date control so I'm gonna bring up a command CMD and then I'll just run it as administrator I'll just confirm it with a yes and then.
Now here you have to write a command is basically to register so it's our eg as VR and then it started to and then put a space in this space the path that you've copied okay so it's our easy as we are.
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32 and then hit enter just give it a
Moment so if everything goes well and you're running this as administrator like I've shown you right now you will get this message that is you know the.DLL file has been registered successfully just click on ok so I'm going to start up my excel again and then let's see if you know it is registered successfully so try to bring.
Up my file again this is my file so I'm going to open my user phone so after you register that you'll have to go to your user phone and then go to your this tools toolbox here so when you click on.
This you'll see this small you know small you know controls for the user phone so from here from the toolbox this right click and click on additional controls so this way.
You'll be able to you know um reach out to get this thing that you've install right now the date picker so from here we'll try to find this one Microsoft date and time picker control 6.0 sp6 so.
If you see this just check this box and then click on ok so if you can see down here it's the location of the file is the one we have pasted right now I'll just click on ok ok so here it is this.
Is the date picker I'll try and put this so I'll just get rid of that combo box which I put earlier and I'll bring this in so instead of manually putting the date here I want to put a date picker.
Here so just get rid of this as well I'll just copy this and I'll paste this here it's not always right here sorry so this is what I was trying to show you that you can also put a date picker in.
Office 2016 Excel so I hope you know you can use this in your in your phones and you know make it more intuitive and you know easier for users to you know use your phone so in the upcoming videos I.
Also want to show you how I design the
Phones like this where you can do data synchronization data exports and connect connecting them to databases so this is one of the demo I'll be doing in the.Future so for now this is so all I want to show you that you can use to take control and the picker sorry in Excel 2016 you can also use this in any like ms word ms access database as well as in.
PowerPoint thank you once again for watching this video I hope you found this informative and please leave a like and subscribe to our channel as well thank you bye bye.