Then hold down Control and click on the first cell in segment two, and then Ctrl + Shift + Down. So we're highlighting our two separate ranges. Next, go to Home, Conditional Formatting, Highlight Cell Rules, and select Duplicate Values. "Format cells that contain," by default it's "Duplicate." You can switch this to "Unique" if you want it the other way around. I'm going to go with Duplicate. Now, you get to decide how you want to highlight these. Pick what you like from this drop-down.
Or create your own custom format. I'm just going to go with yellow fill and click on OK. Now I can see the duplicate values across these two segments. Now it doesn't matter that these are in two separate columns. You would get the same result if they were in the same column. In the next example, I want to find duplicate rows. So, I don't want to compare cell by cell. I want to take a look at the entire row's content and compare it to the other rows and see if it's.
A duplicate or not. Now, I can't use the method I used before. Why? Well, because this is going to happen. If I go back and highlight duplicate values, this is going to look cell by cell and see if a cell is repeated. I don't want that. I want to take a look at the entire row's content. So, we can't go with this method. Let's go and remove the rules. This is what you can do instead. You're going to use the CONCAT function and combine the values of each row. This way, you can generate.
A unique key. We're going to send this down, and now we can go Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cell Values > Duplicate Values. And now we have duplicates. But this doesn't look good, right? So, we're going to hide our unique key by pressing Ctrl + 1 or just right-mouse clicking, going to Format Cells, go to Custom number formatting, and change this to three semicolons. This hides your values, and when you click on OK, we get to flag the rows that have duplicate values. So,.
This one and this one are duplicates, and this and this are duplicates as well. Okay, until now, we've used formatting to find duplicate values. But what if we want to use formulas instead? Maybe we want to return true or false or the number of occurrences of an item in a list. Well, here's what you can do. In the first example, I'm just going to take a look at this product column and see if we have duplicate products. And in the second example,.
I'll show you how you can take a look at an entire row to find if an item has occurred more than once in a column. You can use the COUNTIF function. We need the range, that's our range, and we're going to press F4 to fix it. And then we need the criteria, and the criteria is the cell itself. So it's just the cell that's on B4, right under my formula, I'm going to close the bracket and press Enter. I get a 1 because this item has only occurred once in this column. And when I send.
This down, we can see this one has occurred two times, and this has occurred three times. Now you can build on this formula as you want. If you want to convert this to true and false values, we're just going to check if this is greater than one, and now we get a false here. And for this one, we have a true, false, true, and so on. Now, how about taking a look at an entire row? Here again,.
We can use the CONCAT function and stick together the values of the cells to create our unique key. I'm going to send this down. I get a unique key for each single row. And then I can use this as a helper column and go back to the COUNTIF function. The range is this one right here. Let's press F4 to fix it, and the criteria is this cell. Of course, you can combine this into one step, but it's just going to make the.
Formula more complicated and more difficult to follow. It's just much easier to build it in separate steps. So our duplicate rows in this case are these ones right here. Now you could also disguise this to return something else. So we are going to keep this as our logical test and see if this is greater than one. Then we should return (I'm just going to go with some Emoji here). We can return this. Otherwise,.
Just return nothing. And now when we send this down, we get our signs for our duplicate rows. And then you can go ahead and hide this from view so we could, for example, just group this column. I'm going to use the shortcut key Shift + Alt + the right arrow key. I'm going to group columns, and now this is out of view. Now, you might be asking, "What if I want to highlight the entire row as well?" Well, you can do that as well. We're going to highlight this,.
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Go to Conditional Formatting, New Rule, Use a Formula. It's up to you what formula you - ID Card Make
Want to use. I already have this column here, so I'm just going to go with one cell here and say, If this is equal to my sign, which I'm going to bring up using the shortcut key Windows + Dot, and we're going to put this in quotation marks. Now, the one thing you have to be careful here is that currently, this is just referencing cell F4, but we want it to be dynamic. So, we want the.Column to stay the same. It should always be the F column, but the row should change. So, I'm going to remove the dollar sign from there, and now it's up to you how you want to format your cells. We're going to go with this yellow color, and now we are highlighting the row as well. Now, you might be asking, "What if I just want to return the duplicate rows? What if I don't want to highlight them, I don't want to flag them, I actually want a separate list that returns.
Them?" Well, here you can use the FILTER function, and remember we already added a unique key here, so that really makes it simpler for us. We can start off with the FILTER function. What do we want returned? Our data set. What do we want to include? Well, we can use this helper column that we first created, or the second one. It's really up to you, but let's assume we didn't have our flag, we didn't have our sign, we just had the unique key. So, I can just use the COUNTIF.
Function. My range is this, and my criteria is this. So, I'm going to select everything, and it's going to go through it one by one and compare the values to the range, and we're going to see if it's greater than one, and if it is, it's going to return the duplicate rows. And if we don't have any duplicate, let's just return nothing. Close the bracket, press Enter, and we just return our duplicate rows. It would be nice to have this sorted so the.
Duplicates are below one another. Well, no problem because we have the SORT function. The array is this. How do we want to sort it? We want to sort it by the First Column, and default is ascending, so I'm just going to close the bracket, press Enter, and now we have our sorted duplicate rows. Okay, so these were the different ways you can find duplicates, but if you wanted to remove these duplicates, well, I happen to have the video for you on.