We'll insert titles and sections, and further explore working with sections. You'll learn how to make a question required, as well as showing questions based on answers. In the third module, we'll begin managing form responses. First, we will send a form, fill out a form, and review form responses. We'll move on to linking a form to a spreadsheet, and viewing responses in the linked spreadsheet. Module 4 will see us working with form settings. You'll learn how to change general options, presentation options, and.
How to change default settings. We will then switch our focus in Module 5 to changing form appearance. In this module, you'll learn how to modify the theme and background colors before learning how to change the font and adding a header image. The sixth module will find us using forms to create a quiz. We'll start by setting up a form as a quiz, adding an answer key, and adding feedback to answers. You'll learn how to change options for releasing grades, send emails to respondents with answers, and we'll end that module by learning how to make a copy of a form..
The focus in Module 7 is adding images and videos to a form. You'll learn how to add an image to a question and a form, as well as adding a video to a form in this module. Our 8th and final module will focus on using additional form features. You'll learn how to allow respondents to attach files before getting into how to upload a file from your computer and from My Drive. Also, how to locate uploaded files in My Drive..
We'll delve into creating a pre filled form and creating a pre filled form using hyperlinks. We'll end the course by importing form questions and creating a form template. For this course, you can use several different types of Google accounts to be successful. You can use personal student or a business account through Google workspace accounts. Now there is truly only one module that has one lesson that.
Requires a business account. So if you don't have one, I wouldn't worry about it. And that's the last lesson in this course. And that's being able to create a form from a template. So you would need a business account for that. If you don't have one, no worries. You will see it demonstrated on my screen. And in addition to that, I would recommend Having two different accounts. So personal might be best for you. So you have an account that you can create in and then send forms to other.
Accounts that you have control over. Personal would be the best way to do that. Our first module is getting started in Google Forms. We'll begin by signing into Google apps and learning how to use the Google apps menu. We'll move on to accessing forms from Google Drive, then we'll create a new form and add questions to the form. You'll learn how to preview a form, and we'll end this module by.
Creating a new form using a template. So the first thing we're gonna do is sign in to Google. When you're signing into Google from the google. com page, you're signing into all of the Google apps. So it's kind of like a Google universal sign in. And we're going to do that by using the blue sign in button in the upper right hand corner. Now I'm going to be signing into, I'm going to be using two different accounts during this course, and I'm going to sign into both of them so that I can.
Toggle back and forth at any time. Once you click sign in, you'll be able to put in your email or phone number. And I will give my disclaimer at this time. The emails that I'm using during this course are only for this course and I will not be replying to any emails that may be sent to the email address. So once I put in my email, I'm gonna click the next button and it's.
Gonna prompt me for my password. And you have the ability to show the password so you make sure you're typing it correctly. Once you have that in, you're gonna go ahead and select next. So now if you look in the upper right where the sign in button used to be, You have a letter representing your name. If you have a photo of yourself in your Google account, the photo would be showing there. Now I'm going to log into another account. I'm going to click on my letter, the letter T in the upper right corner, and.
Then it lets me add another account. So when I click on that, it gives me the sign in screen, and I'm going to put in another business email address. That again is just for this course, and I will not reply to any emails sent to either of these email addresses. I'm going to choose next, and I'll go ahead and put in the password for this second account. and choose next. So now it changes my letter, but both of those accounts are signed into..
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So if I click on the letter A in my case in the upper right hand corner, I'm already signed into the other one and I can switch to that one. - ID Card Make
So the other thing I'm going to do just for viewing is I'm going to make sure that my address bar and everything is not showing. So I get more screen space. And I'm back on my, what I will call my primary account is the one that's represented by the letter T. There are quite a few ways that you can access forms. The most direct way is by using the Google Apps menu..And the Google Apps menu is that series of dots in the upper right hand corner. And I'm pointing to it on my screen. It's to the left of your letter or your picture for your account information. And so when you click on that, you'll see all of the Google Apps that you have access to. And Forms is one of them. Go ahead and click on Forms. And that is the most direct way of getting into Forms by using the Google Apps menu..
So let's say you're working in Google Drive and you want to create a form. Let's go back to our Apps menu. And go into Google Drive. And Google Drive is used to store files and folders and things of that nature. It's not just for Google Apps. You can upload Microsoft Office files, PDFs, all types of files to Google Drive. And so, if you're in a... Personal account, Google account, you won't have priority on the left side..
I have this because I'm in a business account. It has nothing to do with what we're doing with Google Forms. So you'll be sitting in your My Drive where you can see your folders and files or upload them here. But the point of this is how to access a form. If you're working in Google Drive, you don't have to go back to the apps menu. To work on a form on the left side, which is known as the menu, go ahead and click the new button. And then you'll see on the list, there's Google forms..
And if you click on the arrow to the right of it, you can start a Blake form, a blank quiz, or a form from a template. And we're going to choose. blank form. So it takes you back into Google Forms and it's set up for you to create a form, which we're going to do next. So with our untitled form, if you notice at the top and the upper.
Left, it says untitled form. You can go back to the forms home page from here, using that purple icon to the left of untitled form. Over on the right, you have a couple of icons and we'll review them as we go. You have the ability to send a form. You have a more ellipsis where you can make a copy, do other things with a form. You have your account information on the right. Underneath that you are on the questions tab. There's also a responses and settings tab, which you'll learn about during this course..
So underneath that you have untitled form. and form description. We're going to click where it says untitled form and I'm going to do control a to select the text untitled form and we're going to name it Google workspace survey and For a form description, we're going to put potential training leads and then a dash Google apps..
So we're giving the form a title and a description and notice you have the ability to change the font, to insert a link, to do a numbered or bulleted list there, and to remove any formatting underneath it. When you create a new form, It gives you where you can put the title and the description, and it also gives you an untitled question. Let's click on that untitled question. So where it says untitled question, you're going to type Gmail and over to the right,.
You'll see that it switched it from. radio buttons, right? Option one was there. It switched it to short answer. We're going to do the drop down on short answer and we're going to choose linear scale and it defaults underneath where we type gmail. It defaults one to five and you get the opportunity to give the labels, the one and the five labels, right? So I'm going to click where it says label optional next to the one..
And I'm going to type, don't use for the number five label.
I'm going to type use daily. So, this question doesn't make much sense right now. I mean, it just says Gmail 1 to 5. In Module 2, we're going to make it make more sense by explaining what these choices are. But in the meantime, we're going to create more choices based on the Google Apps..So, what we're going to do at the bottom, you'll see the duplicate, the two pieces of paper. Let's go ahead and duplicate Gmail, right? And so above our duplicate now, you'll see what it looks like. Gmail, and then it has one that says don't use, 5, use daily. On the duplicate, we're gonna double click on Gmail, and we're gonna type Sheets. We're gonna duplicate Sheets, and change it from Sheets to Docs..
We're gonna duplicate Docs. And change it from docs to slides. And then I'm gonna have you duplicate slides on your own and change it to forms. We have two more that we want here, calendar and contacts. So go ahead and create duplicates so you can change one, the calendar and the other two contacts. So in the next module, we're going to add a section that will give more information about these Google app choices we just listed..
With a linear scale and you see how duplicate can be handy so you don't have to label all the time. You're getting the same one to five linear scale with the labels already on there. At any point along the way of form creation, you can preview your form to see what it's going to look like. And to do that, we're going to use one of the icons on the upper right. And the one that we're going to use is the eyeball. If you hover over it, it says preview..
Go ahead and select that. So this is showing what your form looks like currently. And so, if you were to send it out, this is what the recipient would see. And at the bottom it has the Submit and the Clear Form button. But you can preview at any time. When you preview a form, it opens a new tab in your browser. So this is my Preview tab, and I'm gonna close it. There's the form that we were building..
I have my Drive tab open still. And since we went into Google Forms itself earlier, that is also open. I'm gonna go ahead and close the Google Forms tab and leave my untitled form in my Drive. Tabs open now, we're gonna switch away from this form. It's still in progress in the next module We'll come back to it and finish Designing it and adding more questions and so on and so forth But we're gonna move to a different topic right now Which is creating a new form using a template before we do so in the upper left where it says Untitled.
Form just click there and you'll see that it takes the title that you put on the form, Google Workspace Survey. Until you click in there, it doesn't typically update. You have to click in there to get the updated title. And you'll notice to the right, it says all changes are saved in Drive. So the work that we've done is not lost. We're going to click on the form's home icon to the left of Google Workspace Survey..
And that will take us to our forms homepage. So you can see here under recent forms, we have our Google workspace survey. And now we're going to create a form using a template. So if you notice up here, start a new form. You have your blank form, which we did from drive, right? Time off requests, event feedback. There's a template gallery over here where you can open the templates. Oh, well, these are if you have any in from your organization. And then General tab, if you're in a regular account, you would.
Have the General tab as well, or you should, and then it has... You know, the forms, the templates that are built in. So, I'm gonna just use the back arrow to the left of template gallery at the top to get back to the home page. And I'm gonna select the time off request template by clicking on it. So this is a pre built form template that can be modified. And so we're on the questions tab and it gives it a title of time off request..
It has a description. Please submit the times you need to take off work and the type of leave you are taking. So it wants the person's name and the type of answer is a short answer text. It's asking for the leave dates. Short answer text, so like, January 15th through January 20th, something like that. It wants to know if you need AM, PM, or all day. It has two type of leaves. One is a description, and it's optional..
And the other one gives the choices. It almost looks like Latin text as a placeholder there. So, the first thing we want to do... is get rid of this optional, the first type of leave. So I'm going to select that question and then to its right, you see, you have your duplicate, you have your delete. We're going to choose the trash can to delete that question. Let you know in the bottom left that the item was deleted and you can undo it from there. Or, up on these icons, you also have undo and redo icons..
So we got rid of a question that we don't want on our time off request. We're going to leave the second type of leave, but what we want to do is get rid of what looks to be Latin text and just say description. I'm going to get rid of the Latin text. And I'm going to change description if needed to choose the type of leave you are requesting. And so you can take a template and you can modify it to suit your needs..
So that's type of leave. I'm going to continue to scroll down. We have reason for leave and it's a long answer, text answer. Well we want to modify that somewhat. We want to put some limits on it. in terms of how many characters their answer can be. So when I select that question in its bottom right corner, I'm going to go to the ellipsis options button, and I'm going to choose response validation. And so I'm going to leave it on length, right? And the maximum, I'm going to change it from minimum character count by using.
The dropdown to maximum character count. And then I'm going to put in. 300. And then to the right of that, I can put in custom error text. So if somebody tries to put in more than 300 characters as their response, they will see the custom error text. And so the custom error text is going to be, please Limit your response to 300 characters and just to be even clearer, what I like to do when I do a.
Validation response, I like to kind of give them a tip off in the question. So the question is reason for leave, and I'm going to click after leave and in parentheses. And by the way, response validation is only available for short answer, long answer, and checkbox answer types. Long answer also known as paragraph. So short answer, paragraph. And check boxes are the only three answer types that allow.
You to have response validation. And let's go ahead and preview our time off request form based on the template with our modifications. And so you'll notice that because we used a template, and you'll learn how to do this a little bit later in the course. Because we used a template, some of these questions are coming up as required. So the ones that have the red asterisk to the right of them are required. So the only one that's not required is the reason for leave at the bottom..
And now that I'm done previewing the form, I'm going to close the preview tab in my browser. And from the form itself, the time off request form, I'm going to just go back to the form's home page at this time. By way of recap in our first module, getting started, we began by signing into Google Apps. You learned that you can sign into multiple Google accounts. and be able to switch back and forth between them. You learned how to access forms by using the Google Apps menu, and then.
We accessed forms from Google Drive. We created a new form, we added questions to the form, we previewed the form, and we ended this module by creating a new form using a template. In Module 2, we'll be working with form questions over six lessons. We'll get started by modifying questions, and then reordering them. You'll learn how to insert titles and sections, and how to work with sections..
We'll move on to showing questions based on answers. And end with making a question required. So before we go back to our original form, our Google Workspace survey form, I just want to point out something else from the forms homepage. To the left of forms you have these three lines. If you hover over it, it's main menu. And if you click on that, you can see that you can get to Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Settings, Help Feedback, and Drive from that menu. I'm gonna just click anywhere and it collapses the menu. I'm gonna click on our Google Workspace survey form..
And I might change the order of the lessons in this module a little bit. So, so far... We have the title and description, and we have a separate question for the apps that we listed. So we want to make it a little bit more clear as to what these questions are pertaining to. So in order to do that, we're going to go ahead and insert a title. What I'm going to do is I'm going to make sure that the top question is selected. And you'll notice there's been this toolbar that even if you scroll down.
Through the questions, it tends to stay on your screen on the right hand side. From that toolbar, you can add a question. You can import questions, which we'll get to do later. You can add a title and a description. Add an image, you can add a video, and you can add a section. We're going to click on add title and description, the two Ts. And so we get this untitled title block, and in its upper center,.
You'll see a series of dots. When you put your mouse over those dots, it gives you the ability to move that title to a different position. And so I'm going to click and hold on the dots where, and I have the four headed arrow and I'm going to drag it up. So it's above the Gmail question where it says untitled title. I'm going to do a control a just to select that text. And I'm going to just type primary apps. And a colon,.
And then it's going to be, please rate these apps by how often you use them. And in parentheses, I'm going to type the number one equals, don't use, I'm going to do a semi colon five equals. Use daily and close the parentheses type of period. And now I'm going to do a control A to select all the text and I'm going to make it bold. Now the description is optional and we don't want to use it so I'm.
Going to go over to the ellipsis to see more options and click on description so it doesn't show. And then, I click away from that, and now it makes the Gmail, Sheets, Docs, and other apps make more sense, instead of just being listed with their linear scales. When it comes to modifying questions, it's just an edit. So, that title that we just added, we're gonna modify that. Get rid of primary apps and the colon at the beginning..
And then, we're gonna change it to say, please rate these primary. Google apps by how often you use them with the one equal don't use and five equal use daily in parentheses. So, quick and easy to modify a question. If you have a need to reorder questions, you can drag and drop them to a different position. Notice if you hover any, over any of the questions, it has those six dots in its upper center..
And so, what we want to do is, we want Gmail, and then after Gmail, we want Forms. So, I'm going to go down to the Forms question. Click and hold and start dragging it up. I went too far, so it's underneath the Gmail question. And then we would like Docs under Forms. So go ahead and move... make that change. So you should have Gmail forms, docs, then sheets, slide, calendar, and contacts..
Now we're going to create another section for this form. So let's select our last question, the contacts one, and then we're going to use that toolbar on the right. And the bottom choice is to add a section. So, you'll notice after Contacts, it now says, After section 1, continue to next section. There's a drop down arrow to the right of that, so it defaults to going to the next section..
You could change it to go to section one. Go to section two, or to submit the form. So it would have submit the form after they complete section one. We're gonna leave it on its default choice, and then you have a new section, section two of two at the bottom, and it is currently. untitled, and we're going to call it, so that untitled section, we're going to call it Additional Google Apps..
And for this one, for the description, we're going to hide it. And notice it's not letting me hide the description here. It lets you hide the description on a title, but not on a section. So that's fine. And now, to the right, we're going to use the toolbar again, and we're going to add a question using the plus sign. And the question is going to be select any additional Google apps you currently use..