And then you can just type in the header. Now, if you want to add a new page directly below the page that you've selected, you're going to use the shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + N. If you wanted your new page to become a subpage automatically, you're going to use another shortcut, that one is Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N. And that immediately puts in a subpage. I know this shortcut is a difficult one to remember, so you can, of course, use the right-mouse click, you can make this a subpage or.
Promote the subpage. To add a new section to your OneNote, use the shortcut key Ctrl + T. Now, let's cover shortcuts that help you navigate your notes faster. When you're inside a section, use Ctrl + Page Down to move down the pages and Page Up to move up. Now, what about sections. To move across different sections, use Ctrl + Tab. Once you reach the end and press Ctrl + Tab again, you're going to start from the beginning. And if you want to go backwards,.
Use Ctrl + Shift + Tab. When you're inside a note, so right here, if you use the arrow keys, you'll move one letter at a time. But what if you wanted to move one word at a time? Well, the shortcut you need is Ctrl and then the Arrow keys. So, I'm pressing the left arrow key now, and now Ctrl and then right arrow key. To jump to the beginning of the line, use Home. To jump to the end, you guessed it, use the End key. Now here's a really cool one for reorganizing your content. So, let's say you wanted to move a sentence.
To the top. I don't have to cut and paste it. Instead, I'm going to use the shortcut, Alt + Shift, and move up, so the Up arrow key, and Alt + Shift, and the Down arrow key moves the line down. Super convenient for reorganizing content on the page. If you want to concentrate on your notes, use F11. This is only going to show you your notes, so you don't get distracted by anything else. Press F11 again and you go back to your previous view. To mark your notes as unread, so you can.
Come back to them later, use Ctrl + Q. This adds the screen highlighting to it, and you're going to see an icon on the side of your page. Press Ctrl + Q again, and you've marked it as read. Now, let's cover some cool text formatting shortcuts. So, I want to highlight this line, I can use the shortcut key, Ctrl + A. And then, I can use the shortcuts that you probably know from other Office applications like Ctrl + B to make it bold, Ctrl + I to make it italic, and Ctrl + U to add underline..
If you want to remove all formatting and go back to normal formatting, you are going to use the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + N. N for Normal. If you want to convert this into a header, use Ctrl + Alt, and then press 1, you get the header 1, press 2 for header two. If you want to remove the formatting and go back to normal, what was the shortcut key for that? Yeah, you probably guessed it, Ctrl + Shift + N. Now, we use Ctrl + A to select an entire line. But, if you press Ctrl + A again, you can select the entire container. So, I'm just going to press Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to paste it here. Now,.
You can do more with Ctrl + A. So, if I press Ctrl + A once, then twice, I have the container selected. But, if I press it a third time, I have all the contents of this page selected. Now, what about adding bullet points? That's an easy one to remember: Ctrl+ dot, and then you can start typing. When you press Enter, you can continue with the bullet points. What if you wanted to have a numbered list? Well, that's also easy to remember. Hold.
On Ctrl and press the number sign or the hash sign on your keyboard, and then continue typing. Now, if I wanted to delete this section, I can use Ctrl + A to highlight that last line, and then Ctrl + Shift and the arrow keys to select the range that I want to remove, and then just press the Delete key. Let's cover some useful table shortcuts. So, tables are a great way for organizing content in OneNote.
Because if you don't use tables, you're going to have a lot of containers in containers, and then it becomes difficult to move things around. But, if you're using tables, like in this case, I'm using tables in a table, it helps keep your content in place. Now, if you're interested to learn more about organizing your information in OneNote, leave a comment below the video, and I'll create a separate video on this. What are the shortcut.
Keys for creating tables? Very, very easy: as you start typing, just press the Tab key, and you've already inserted a table. And press Tab again. And once you get to the end and you want to add a new row, all you have to do is press Enter, and then you can continue typing. Now, if you press Enter right now, it's not going to add a new row. So, if you're not at the end of the row of your table and you want to add a new row, you have to use Ctrl+ Enter,.
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And then just continue typing. Press Tab, and Tab, and that's it. - ID Card Make
Now, if you want to reorganize the content in a table, which is something I do quite often, you don't have to use cut and paste. Remember there was a shortcut key combination I showed you before. What was that? It was Alt + Shift and the Up Arrow key, and this moves your entire row up and the down hierarchy moves it down. If you want to delete a table row, just going to.Press Ctrl + A, just press it a few times to select the entire row, and then use backspace. In OneNote, you can use tags to group your content together, even if they're not in the same notebook or section. So, for example, if I use the shortcut key Ctrl + 1, this is going to add the checkbox or the to-do icon. And then I can type in my text, then press Enter, and I get the checkbox again, and I can continue in this way. So similar to bullet points or numbered lists, now my tag is a.
Checkbox. To remove the tag, just press backspace. Now, if I use another shortcut key, let's say Ctrl + 2, I get this "Important" tag. And then Ctrl + 3 gives me the question mark, and Ctrl + 4, what does it do? That's what it does. It highlights your text. Now, where are these coming from? Well, right here. So, under "Tags", if I click on this drop-down, you can see the shortcuts associated with them. So, the highlighter is "Remember for Later". You can customize your tags here and you.
Can move these up and down, so the shortcuts will be different depending on what's most important for you. I'm just going to move this back up because this one is the one I use the most. Now, aside from tags, another really helpful feature if you use the To-Do app or you use tasks in Outlook is to flag your tasks. OK, let's say I've added this task and I want this to show up in my To-Do app and in my Outlook. I am going to use the shortcut key Ctrl + Shift + 1. This.
Flags it. So, if I open up my To-Do app, I am going to see the task here. If I open up Outlook, I can see the task here. Now, if I want to flag this as Done, I'm going to use the same shortcut key, Ctrl + Shift + 1. And if I go back to the To-Do app, this is going to be crossed off. Now you have a lot more options right here. So, under "Outlook Tasks", you can delete this Outlook task or you can use Ctrl + Shift + 2 for tomorrow, this week, or use a custom flag..
Last, let's talk about search, a very important functionality in OneNote. To search for something inside all your open notes, sections, and pages, use Ctrl + E and then type in your text. If you only want to search for something on that page, use Ctrl + F instead. Now, the great thing about the search functionality in OneNote is that it doesn't just look at typed text. It can also find text inside pictures and also hand-written text. So,.
For example, the first thing I found is here. If I jump to this section, you can see my very badly hand-written note, and it found it. But what it doesn't find are notes inside your protected sheets. So, right here, if I unprotect this, you can see I have OneNote here, and it doesn't find it. I'm going to bring up the full screen version of this. What was the shortcut key?.