Uh i will compressed in parts okay total file is 516 and password in this app go to google play store right here esk and buy now in 2.99.
And april user contact on my whatsapp number okay so here is 3d photo box mock-up you can import your own photo or any.
Photo for example uh open this one we need a photo double click here paste your image we need horizontal photo.
Like this one oh okay.
Drag here oh no sorry um drag here enter ctrl.
Same thing here you can do one by one next is 4k the main thumbnail of this.
Reading photoshop format next is 12x12 okay simply double click here.
Here is a sample your photo face is here then height control s for saving and your effect is here.
Very easy you can use a in fitting album here is a main highlight photo make me you make my life beautiful.
Here is place images you can adjust one by one you need a photo for example this one drag here.
Right click create clipping mask our photo is here and next.Click anyone and drag image for example and drag there enter right click create clipping mask and our image in the circle okay.
So you can adjust one by one here is a background you can apply background color or apply grant ends overlay like this one okay depend your own.
Choice 13 long shadow photo quality wow amazing you can adjust 1.1 here is that's one portrait wow.
So you can import one by one here is a photo effect you can apply photo effect on your own photo or any other photo depend your own choice.
College pst interval here is a frame bundle so you can apply remove this.
So you can apply one by one and as fitting this app go to google play store right here esk and by now for lifetime all password in this app i hope these frames are useful for you.