How To Create A Discussion Forum Website (WordPress)

How To Create A Discussion Forum Website (WordPress) Hiren welcome to live blogger in this video I'll show you how to create a forum for your WordPress website using a plug-in called WP for o there also other plugins which can help you create forums.

How To Create A Discussion Forum Website (WordPress)

In your WordPress website in this video we'll take a look at WP 4 and this is the official website of WP 4 oh and here you can take a look at all the awesome features that it has alright so now.

Let's go to our WordPress dashboard now we have the simple website over here so we'll just go ahead and add our plugin so go to plugins and click on add new now just search for WP 4 oh and just go.

Ahead and install now and then click on activate once you activate the plug-in you can see a new tab over here called forums so here we have different options and let's go ahead and first of all.

Click on dashboard and here are some basic information about our website so now let's go to forums and here we can see our forum categories and our forum title and all those things now we can.

Drag and drop this to the right or to the left to set the hierarchy of these elements so for example if you drag this to the left we can see that this becomes main category and if you drag this to.

The right we can set it as the child of this element and we can even move things up or down so let's go ahead and change the names of these categories and we'll go ahead and change this to designing.

And here you can set the description and now here we can set the layout of this category so we have extended simplified Q&A and threaded so you can go ahead and select each of these and see how it.

Looks now the layout can only be said for the category so all the forums and sub-forum inherit the same layout and then we have the forum slug over here so here we will.

Type designing and then we have the icons and all those things and on the right here we have some options you can set the layout over here as well and then here we have the option of setting.

The permissions so for admin we have set the full axis and then for moderator we have moderator axis and in this way we can set different permissions for different people and lastly we have the.

Color of our forum so now let's go ahead and click on update so our forum has been updated successfully now let's go back to forums now let's edit this main forum so click on this edit icon and.

Posts Related:

    We'll change this to designing tips

    We'll just update the description now we cannot change the layout over here that is because we inherited it from the parent category and then we have the.

    Slug over here so here we will type tips all right let's keep everything else as it is and let's click on update now go back to forums and we'll create one more forum so just click on this and a new.

    Forum in this category and here we will type designing tools and here we'll add our description and then the forum slug alright now just click on publish now let's create one subform so we'll click.

    On the plus icon over here and here we'll type Adobe XD it is a designing tool so we'll enter the description over here and then the forum slug and we'll just click on publish I'll just add one.

    More so forum alright now let's add one more category so just click on this plus icon and we'll just type the title now this is being created as a forum so let's click.

    On this users category checkbox alright now here we will type the category title we just add the forum slug and click on publish now let me just add a couple of forums real quick.

    [Music] [Music] alright that's basically it with our forum now let's click on 'save forums order and hierarchy now let's take a.

    Look at how our forum looks so here we'll go to forum dashboard and click on visit forum and here we can see our forum and it looks awesome we have a lot of things over here first of all here we.

    Have these tabs over here and then we can see we have the heading of our forum live blog or forum and then we can see the category and the forums inside that and then we have the category and forums.

    And we can also share these to social

    Media and here we can see we have 6 forums right now here we can see the sub forums so these all add up to 6 and right now we haven't added any topics so.

    It'll be 0 and we don't have any posts and then it is showing how many people are online so right now it is 1 and members are one because admin is the only member right now and it also shows.

    The newest member over here so here you can see our newest member admin and we have a lot of things over here so we can see how easy it is to make this complicated forum using the WP 4'o.

    Plugin now we'll take a look at these tabs over here so this is the forum stack then we have members so here it shows all the members in our forum we can even search their names over here.

    And it also shows who our online right now so if you hover over this we can see it says online and then we can see the recent posts over here we don't have any right now and then we have my profile so.

    Here you can see your details and let's go to account and here we can change a lot of things we can change the display name the nickname and email ID title and all those things we can even upload an.

    Avatar over here set the discreet website occupation and all these things we can even connect our social media accounts over here and in the location and password right so I'm not gonna go.

    Into all these different tabs and show you everything you can just go ahead and take a look at them yourselves and then we have the option to log out and here we will get all the notifications now.

    Let's go to forums and let's add a new topic so we just go into designing tips and now just click on add topic so let's add a topic over here we just add a list over here we can.

    Select these options over here and make the post look the way you want it to look and you can even attach a file over here if you want and let's just add topic.

    Tags over here and then click on add topic and here we can see our topic and we can see the name and details of the author over here and here we have the post now the other members can come and.

    Reply to your post over here now here we can see topics and posts are updated and we have the latest post over here let's add a reply and see how it looks since we don't have any other members I'll.

    Just reply to myself and we can see the reply over here and now if you go to recent posts we can see that this post is being displayed over here alright that's basically it for this video in.

    The next video I will show you the different options over here in the settings tools and all these options and I will also show you how to change the appearance of this forum right here so.

    If you have any doubts let me know in the comments below and click on the like button if you enjoyed this video subscribe to this channel to get the latest with your updates thanks a lot.

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