Reporting Services (SSRS) Part 3 - Working with Tables

Reporting Services (SSRS) Part 3 - Working with Tables Welcome to this why cell tutorial in this session we're going to teach you all about how to use tables in Microsoft sequel server reporting services what we'll cover in this session are all the.

Reporting Services (SSRS) Part 3 - Working with Tables

Basics of using a table in a report we'll show you how to add a table to report how to select the various fields you want to use in the table we'll talk about basic table formatting and also.

How to insert and merge cells rows and columns once you've covered those topics we'll move on to some of the more advanced features of tables including how to sort the results in the table and.

Add interactive sorting on a table we show you how to add two filters to a table to a two to affect the results returned and finally how to repeat the column headings on each page of a report.

So let's get started when you're displaying data from a data set in a reporting services report there are several ways you can do it but the most common and simple is to use a basic.

Table so this little session is going to teach you how to use a table in a new report in reporting services let's start by adding a new item which will be a report I'm going to call it a number for.

Table of films and add that report to my project this report is going to use one of our shared data sets which if you've seen our previous video you'll know how to create by now but I'm going to refer.

To my shared data set DTS films it's going to right click the data sets folder in the report data window choose to add a data set and simply point to the one that I created earlier on.

I'll give it a sensible name here as well shared films click OK so this point to have these three field names these three column names from my underlying film table containing the information.

About the name release date and running time in minutes if I want to display that information against all of the films in the underlying database I need to use either one of three different.

Types of items there are three types of items referred to as generically the tab licks items this horrible word but it's made up of a combination of the table list and matrix super than all three.

Together it's applix we're going to start with using simple tables in this example so I'm going to start by double-clicking the table report item which has a simple three column table to.

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    My list the next job is to add some

    Columns from one of the data sets into this table so I can do that in several ways if I want to I can use hover the mouse over any cell in the data row and.

    I get the field selector button I click onto that button it provides me the list of the fields in the data set a select film name I get two items in there now the Settings square bracket the film a.

    Means square brackets refers to the actual field then in the header row it displays the the column name really cunningly it's actually recognizes what was called camelcase.

    So you capitalize the first letter of each word reporting services will automatically put a space between the words I think it's quite clever if you didn't want to use the field selector.

    Button although I think that's by far away the easiest way you can also drag fields directly into the table you'll see their column gets highlighted in blue when when you have a field in the.

    Correct position and at that point I could preview my report to see what the results look like so there we go there's a bit of tidying up to do we want to make sure that our columns are the.

    Correct width deal with the slightly poured date formatting and then maybe change the column headings as well so that's the next job to change anything about the design of.

    The table then such as changing the column widths and date formats we'll need to head back to the design view at this point we can then start making changes now if I want to change the.

    Column widths unfortunately if you're familiar with air with applications like Microsoft Excel you can't simply hover the mouse in between two columns or column headers and double-click as you'd.

    Expect to it doesn't work in reporting

    Services until the report is running it's got no way to predict how wide the column needs to be so unfortunately this case of clicking and dragging manually.

    To increase or decrease the column widths that's fairly straightforward to change formatting of anything in the table then you first of all need to select the appropriate part if I want to.

    Change the formatting of my film's release date I need to make sure that I've selected the cell containing the release date as really easy to get it wrong if you click onto the piece of.

    Text there doesn't actually select the cell slightly simpler the text inside it so we in order to select the cell itself make sure you click into a blank part of the cell so use the North West arrow.

    Cursor you'll see that the cell is slider with a thick gray border that appears around it once you've got that selected you can either use the properties window in the bottom.

    Right-hand corner or if you prefer right click into the cell and choose text box properties the dialog box that appears then provides you with a list of different tabs the lightful or change.

    Various formatting options of the cell if I find the number option on the left hand side that will allow me to choose a slightly better date format I'm going to go with a fairly short as open with this.

    Er this fairly bog-standard day month year style if I choose okay I'll then have that date formatted if I want to change any text in a cell like I want to change any of the their their column.

    Headings for my table then I can use the text cursor to select the text and over type it I'll call this film duration rather than film runs I'm a minutes this is a little bit of a shorter title.

    And do the same thing with release date and delete some of the text I think the film name is fine if I want to change background colors and font colors that's relatively straightforward as well but I.

    Probably want to do that for an entire row of data rather than just a single cell so it's like more than one cell at a time I can start with the mouse in a blank part of one cell and then click.

    And drag across using the mouse alternatively I can click into any cell in the table first and then use the little great selectors on the left hand side if I click just to the left where.

    It says film name that will highlight the entire row so a background colors that I change using the background color tool will affect all the cells on that row I'm doing a bit of basic formatting.

    As well to the font so that point I've modified the background colors and font formatting of the cell and I'll change the number format of a cell and change the column widths now that I've made.

    Those formatting changes it's probably a good idea to preview the report to make sure it looks sensible and you should be able to see now their formatting changes have taken place.

    The next thing I'd like to do is is add a banner heading that spans the width of the table to describe it might involve doing several things first of all this bit isn't actually necessary but I'm.

    Going to move the table down my report so I have a bit of extra space at the top in order to do that I need to select any single cell in the table first then I need to click on this little gray.

    Square in the top left-hand corner in order to expose the selection handles the resizing handles and the move cursor if I'm click and drag on the move icon I can move the entire table in one go the.

    Next thing I need to do is insert a row above the top row of the table to do that I need to click into any single cell in the table first and I can then right-click at the left-hand side on one.

    Of the gray boxes and choose an insert a row either above or below in this case above the new row that appears will have the same formatting as the row below it what I want to do now is to merge those.

    Three cells so they become one a little bit at all there if I click away from the table first click and hold the mouse button in the first cell and then drag the mouse across that row once I have.

    All three cells selected I can right click into any one of them and choose to merge cells if I then Center the text using the center button on the toolbar any titles that I type in now.

    I saw it correctly we sent it across the entire width of the table but it's going to move that table back up to the top of the list again and preview it one more time let's have.

    A big banner heading that spans the entire table you can sort the results of a table in one of two ways first of all you might have applied a sorting or an order by Clause to the query that.

    Underlies your data set but if you haven't or if you want to change the sort for a particular report or table you can actually add a sorting level to the table itself in order to do that.

    Click somewhere inside the table into one of the cells and then identify there blank gray square in the top left hand corner click with the right mouse button onto that square and choose the option.

    Called tablets properties remember tablets are horrible word made up of table lists and matrix if you select that option you'll expose the tablet's properties dialog box and a.

    Lots and lots of options on here to begin with which is going to head straight to the sorting tab I can add a sort to my table and I'm going to choose a sort at this time in ascending order.

    Of film's release date so I select the drop down arrow here and choose film release date I can change the order a to 0 Z to a I'm going to use it leave it as a to Z at this point choose okay and.

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