Animations in Powerpoint - Countdown timer - **Free Download** Presentations Office

Animations in Powerpoint - Countdown timer - **Free Download** Presentations Office Hi guys welcome back to poppin glamour brill let's check out how to use different animations to make this countdown timer so please stay tuned okay so let's go back to the.

Presentation you see I have two rectangles here one rectangle here in the background we can make this and put some color and another rectangle on top of it so this is a.

Rectangle that we need to animate and it has two lines placed like this and it also has a couple of circles to give it a design okay so let's have it here and then we need some numbers to animate so.

I have the pictures of the numbers here let's copy it from here okay so these numbers are the digital numbers so I have converted them into.

Pictures you can also download this let me read this light you can also download this from the internet I'll give you the link in the description so it gives you that is it'll block effect okay let's.

Put them aside now let's go to business let's select the number five first before that just click on the rectangle and then need to animate this first okay so select this and then go to animations.

Animations in Powerpoint - Countdown timer - **Free Download** Presentations

And in animations will have to select the feel animation under the entrance under the entrance select to V if you see this wipes in rotates like overly so you give you that countdown effect and.

Make sure the duration is set to one second because we need it every second okay so rectangle is there and then select this number five go to animations and then select appear okay so after the.

Rectangle disappears so it should be with previous so we want the number to stay with the rectangle okay so it will start with previous and continue with the previous one okay then go to add.

Animations and give it an exit effect okay exit disappear so we also want the number five to disappear and this disappearance should happen after the previous event is finished.

Right so the rectangle appears and the picture which is the number five together okay and then it disappears after the rotation of the wheel is finished.

All right so that's the that's the animation sequence of one number and again we need a rectangle animation again so click on the rectangle and then add an.

    Animation of veal so we want the wheel

    Animation to appear again after the number five right so and this has to be after previous so after the number five disappears again rotation happens so.

    Make sure it is once again so with the rotation the number four should appear along the rotation so place it in the middle of exactly on top of the number five and then.

    Okay then go to envision sensei up go again the same thing make sure this number four is with previous so it starts with the rectangle and continues to be with the rectangle animation okay.

    Then make sure you add an exit effect the same way like we did earlier disappear the disappear should happen off earth the previous one is finished okay all.

    Right and again we need after the number four is done we need the rectangle to spin again like a wheeled the same thing make sure it is one.

    Second and this should be after previous and turn up the number three number three is placed here again good animations entrance should be appear and.

    Should start with previous and ends with previous great and add animation of an exit effect so it appears with rectangle and once the rectangle in the number are done it disappears after boletus okay.

    Okay then number three is turn and the next rectangle animation happens select the rectangle go to add animation and the wheel and there should be after the number three is done so it should be.

    After previous duration one second after previous now the same way drag the number two in the middle and add the same type of animations so it will appear the entrance is up.

    Here it should be with the rectangle

    Animation throughout so it should be with previous and once it's finished animation it should disappear so should add a exit animation of disappear and.

    This should be after previous great then again we need an art angle so to select the rectangle we'll go to add animation and feel effect and this should be after previous again selected duration - one.

    Second and after previous so the number one again so these are the same steps so you will see the free download link in the description you can.

    Go ahead and download this slide to understand it better please make sure you like this video share and subscribe to my channel ok this is after previous .

    Ok so I think we are done with all the animations we started from number 5 and then number one let's see how it looks start 5 4 3 2 1.

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