How to Design a Rising Start Certificate of Appreciation in MS Word Office

How to Design a Rising Start Certificate of Appreciation in MS Word Office Hi welcome to the ready made templates youtube channel in today's video we are going to design a certificate of appreciation template in microsoft word.

We are going to use shapes and svg images to design the background and borders watch this video from start to end because i am sure you are going to learn.

Some new things for ms word that you never knew before so let's get started first of all go to the layout menu click the orientation option.

And set the page orientation to landscape then click the margins tab and set all of the page margins to zero .

Go to the insert menu click the shapes tab and draw a rectangle shape set the rectangle shape width to 8.5 inches and height to 11 inches align this rectangle in the center and.

Middle of the page remove the outline color and then go to the format shape option and set the pattern fill to this rectangle shape .

How to Design a Rising Start Certificate of Appreciation in MS Word

Go to the insert menu shapes and draw a triangle shape press and hold the shift button and rotate it to 90 degrees.

Then set the width and height of this triangle to 2.94 inches remove the outline color and fill dark gray color to this triangle shape align.

This triangle to the top left corner of the page press and hold the ctrl button and drag to duplicate this triangle then press and hold the shift button and.

Rotate it to 90 degrees align this triangle to the top right corner of the page duplicate this triangle in the same way.

Rotate it to 90 degrees and then align it to the bottom right corner of the page duplicate this again to create the fourth triangle rotate it to 90 degrees.

By pressing and holding the shift button and align this triangle to the left bottom of the page now go to the insert menu shapes and draw a rectangle shape.

    Remove the outline color

    Go to the format shape menu on top and set the width of the shape to 7.75 inches and height to 10.21 inches .

    Align the shape to the center and middle of the page go to the format shape and set a pattern fill for this rectangle shape.

    go to the insert menu picture and insert the logo image resize the logo to 0.7 inches in width and 1.72 inches in the height.

    Align the logo to the center of the page go to the insert menu shapes and insert a text box to write the title for the certificate of appreciation.

    don't forget to like this video and do subscribe to our channel to get notified of all the upcoming exciting videos with a lot more informational and exciting.

    things press and hold the control button and drag to duplicate this text box.

    We will use this new text box to write the candidate name and all the other details for the certificate .

    You can download this ready-made certificate of appreciation template in microsoft word format from the link provided in the description below .

    Don't forget to like this video and do subscribe to our channel to get notified of all the upcoming exciting videos with a lot more informational and exciting things.

    You can download all of these icons used

    In this template from the links provided in the description thank you for your time to watch the.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel:
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