So let's get started let's first understand what bounce rate is a bounce rate is a percentage of visitor who leaves your website after.
Checking out a single page anytime someone lands on your blog post and leaves the site without navigating to other portion of your website that is counted as a bounce it also helps to.
Analyze the different aspects of your website now let's see how bounce rate is calculated a bounce rate is calculated as the total number of visitor who.
Leaves a website after visiting only the landing page and without performing any action divided by the total number of visitors to this site for example if the home page of website receive is 1000.
Visitors and 500 of those visitors leave the site after viewing the home page without proceeding to any other pages then the bounce rate of the home page would be 50 percent.
Bounce rate are relative terms whose definition can be changed according to the different criteria for example if the success of your site depends on the users waving more than one page then a.
Low bounce rate is good for your website on the other hand if you have only single page site like a blog or offers any other type of content for which a single page sessions are expected then.
High bounce rate is perfect for your website however having a low bounce rate is good for ranking purpose because it indicates that website has a lot of useful content which users are finding.
Interesting and it also helps with the seo of your website search engines are focusing more and more on user engagement for search engine ranking factors and if they find.
A website useful for its targeted audience they will rank it higher in the search engines so search engines promote such website with a low bounce rate so that users may find those helpful.
Content till now we saw a low bounce Wesdigital
Rate is more important for increasing user experience search engine ranking and conversion rates so let's see how to reduce the bounce rate of your website.The very first and the most important thing is your website loading speed when any user try to visit a website and it doesn't get loaded within 2 or 3 seconds they quit it right away because no one.
Wants to spend any extra time waiting for information which they can easily get on another website so try to improve your website speed and if possible don't add any extra features that slow downs.
Your website speed the another way to reduce your bounce rate is to write better headlines if the headlines of your blog posts are engaging and eye-catching then your website will.
Probably have low bounce rate and the last method is to use bounce rate friendly and fast loading templates so that users will find your website more engaging.
Comment down below if you want a video on bounce rate friendly and fast loading templates okay so that's all for today's video if you want us to keep posting such useful.
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