Wise Owl Does Wordle Office

Wise Owl Does Wordle Office Hey guys have you played wordle yet if not you should it's great we're a bit obsessed with it here at wise owl it's a free online game and every day there's a different five-letter word you've got to.

Guess you've got six attempts to do it in so for example here i could enter the best possible word which would of course be excel and when i enter the word the game tells.

Me how close my guess is to the real word clearly i've done a terrible job here because when everything remains gray it means none of those letters are in the word.

It is the sort of game that makes you wish you knew more words so let's enter that as my next guess and see if i can get any closer that's a bit better the green letter.

Indicates i've got the right letter in the right place the yellow letter indicates the right letter but in the wrong place so it's closer but still wrong let's enter wrong as the next.

Guess that's getting pretty close now lots of green letters appearing so i think there's probably only one possible final answer there.

Wise Owl Does Wordle

And when i get the entire thing correct i get a satisfying little ripple animation a little progress chart indicating my history and how my guest pattern has gone and the probably best.

Part of the entire thing the ability to share your results on social media if you're on an ios or an android device this links directly to your social media platforms here in a desktop web browser.

It just copies the results to the clipboard but i can still paste these into a social media post or into an email and if i had any friends i could send it to them maybe i'll send it to my.

Colleagues or to my mum she's always impressed by how clever i am the genius thing about this i think is that you can share how well you did without revealing the word of the day as everyone in the.

World has to guess the same word if you want an idea of how popular the game is at the moment all you need is a quick google search you'll find that pretty much every man on his dog is.

Talking about wordle at the moment including google themselves look they've got their google doodle updated to add to a worthless style so as the entire world appears to be.

    Trying to ride the hype train here at

    Wiseal we thought we'd jump on the bandwagon a little bit nothing like a shameless bit of self-promotion i think so we decided we'd like to try to.

    Recreate this game in various different software packages that we teach so andy brown who you might know from the python tutorial series on this.

    Channel is trying to make a python version sam who is runs our sister channel wiself shorts is trying to make a version in power bi.

    It's pretty impressive actually most of that's done with dax measures um so although it's not the most faithful recreation of the game it's pretty impressive what it's managed to.

    Accomplish i of course decided that i wanted to make my version in excel vba so here's a quick look at what i've managed to accomplish.

    It doesn't look too dissimilar i was trying to go for a fairly faithful recreation of the game so there's a little help panel just in case you weren't sure how to play it.

    Which looks the same as the one that you get in the official game there's a settings button where you can enable hard mode and change the color blind mode.

    The thing that i didn't manage to get working something i ran out of time before my deadline was the dark theme i kind of wished i'd used cell styles rather than the uh the hard-coded color.

    Schemes i used but you still have a bit of fun toggling the button at least um but it doesn't actually do anything other than that so the idea is that once again if i.

    Close down the settings panel i can

    Enter guesses into my game grid so let's go with the same pattern i just used for the uh for the official version we'll go with excel first oh i've um found out.

    The uh how the game picks its words so it uses the same words each day as the official game does so spoiler warning by the way if you're going to use my version make sure you've played the.

    Official version first otherwise you'll ruin the fun for yourself so excel was wrong let's go for words next and then i can go for wrong.

    And then i can go for the correct word which was rung and when i enter that it should pop up eventually with a little results panel it will keep track of your history by.

    The way so the more you play it saves your results every day and gives you a bar chart indicating how well you've done through time and the share button again copies the results of the.

    Clipboard does it in a slightly different way to the way the official game works but the end results if i enter that into my email look pretty similar at the asterisk there indicates.

    I was playing in hard mode rather than standard easy mode so anyway we all had quite a bit of fun making our various different versions of the game we'll add some blog articles.

    Which explain in a bit more detail how things work and make these versions available for you to download and poke around with as well so if you wanted to download this version you'll find a link.

    In the video description and if you want to get into the code behind the scenes then you'll need a single password if i just head back into excel and then i head to the developer tab and open up.

    The visual basic editor and then when i try to open the project it asks for a password which is wordle in all lowercase but keep it secret keep it safe don't spread this around guys.

    And when you hit okay it'll allow you access to the various different game objects so the whole bunch of different modules in there most things are driven basically from.

    The selection change event of the game sheet so if i double click on that to open it up you can see hopefully really the only thing it actually does is calls another procedure.

    Check clicked cell there's a little bit of code here that just for aesthetic reasons more than anything else changes the selection back to cell a1 it also allows you to select the same letter.

    Twice in a row so the selection change event is triggered when you change the cell that's selected so needed to make sure you didn't have the same letter selected.

    Each time you've made a guess anyway if you want to trace the way this code works the easiest thing to do once you find a procedure that it's calling like check clicked cell is to right click on.

    That and then choose definition and that'll take you to the beginning of the procedure that will then trigger the rest of the code so there's quite a lot of procedure calls in this workbook.

    And lots and lots of different separate subroutines make up the whole if you try to trace the entire thing line by line it'll take you some time but hopefully you can spot the important parts of the.

    Code i'll freely admit it's not the most efficient beautiful code i haven't had time to go back and optimize it there's lots of redundancy in there i'm sure i've done certain things in an.

    Inefficient way but as i say there was a bit of a deadline to get this working so um so yeah i haven't done everything i actually wanted to anyway feel free to poke around in there make improvements.

    To it adapt to the game if you don't like the words it's picking you can update the word list etc etc as i say the ultimate aim of this wasn't to make money directly although as i said.

    Hopefully the uh the shameless self-promotion will uh will help a little bit the aim just like the uh the original version the creator josh wardle yes that.

    Is his real name um doesn't want to make any money directly from his game it's always free always unad supported so um it's just for fun basically so hopefully you can have some fun with it as well.

    Poke around in the code make changes learn something from it just don't try and sell it so anyway hopefully you can find some way to have fun with it one way or.

    Another if you're just going to play the game and you want to share the results with us then feel free to make use of the result sharing feature you could head back to the statistics panel and.

    Then click the share button to share your results head back to the settings panel to get access to the wisel twitter feed probably better not to email us with endless results from wordle and.

    Then drop us a tweet or post some comments below to let us know what you get up to with the game have fun with it in some way thanks so much for watching we'll see you next.

    DISCLAIMER: In this description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. All Content Responsibility lies with the Channel Producer. For Download, see The Author's channel. The content of this Post was transcribed from the Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taNem8SJspc
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