New data and let's reuse all this okay so for this we'll write insert um sql statement command uh let's call this sql equals to insert .
Insert into and this will be the table name let's say that we want to insert to transaction table this table and first will be.
Um the field names and then the values okay so here we'll put in the field names and then values and here we will put the values.
That we want to insert so the field names should be up here somewhere um so we want to insert into this field and let's say that we want to insert a.
Value called my for the date let's say uh first of 2020 and the amount let's say that.
To this fields and these are the values we want to add let's add a button to call this.
data okay let's try this so here's the data we just added now let's try some more examples.
I'll try to keep this short so like we did up here we can also add a parameters instead of specifying a value like this um let me just comment this out and.
You can also just put a question mark like this or you can also add a parameter name like client id.
Um add date and an amount something like that and we can reuse this part so here we can specify this.
And the type of data is going to be this
Dot value is equal to let's say my then we'll put two now just to differentiate the data.Um and let's replicate these lines which should be enough um second one will be the date and third will be emailed the date data type will be date.
And this amount data type will be double um so for the text you put you know like double quotes in you know in the beginning and and.
For the date you specify with this uh hash so let's say 12 of um it's in may 12 20 20 and the amount can be um okay so we are you know like setting up.
The parameters name here like a placeholder and then we are adding those values here by specifying the data type as well um this is very useful especially when.
Your query is very long and then there are if you sometimes put in like uh instead of this you specify uh set up your sql in this question let's.
Say this is textbox one dot value something like that uh sometime you know like uh when you have lots of this you can miss out on.
Single quotes and double quotes and it will lead to error so this setting up this way is also another useful way of writing your query so let's try.
This okay so this is the value we just added here so i think that will be pretty much it in the next video i'll show you how to write update uh.