Delete Data from Database - Oledb .NET E09

Delete Data from Database - Oledb .NET E09 In this episode i'll demonstrate couple of ways to delete the data from database um so we'll just quickly replicate this update query uh code that we wrote earlier.

And we'll just rename this to delete all of these are pretty much the same once you get the idea it's not difficult at all um so let's first try out with a.

Straightforward let's call this delete all from transaction table where.

Customer is this little from this table where customer id is called this and d date is equal to this and we'll execute the query let's run.

This by adding one more button delete and we'll call this.

If we go to the database our last record will be this this date 512 for this client so once we run this uh code it will delete this particular line okay.

Delete Data from Database - Oledb .NET E09

So let's give it a shot so that line is gone i just refreshed it f5 you know let's try and do for this one as well.

For first gen 2020 and then we'll try to add a parameters as well to this so this is deleted as you can see um so now let's say that we want to add a.

Parameter in the way we have done it up here so um instead of m we don't have amount so we'll use this add this and the date is at this.

So we'll delete all this just control that in case you want to refer back this just comment this out and delete this to delete all from this with this parameter space holder.

And we'll bring this back on going back here let's see that we want to delete um let's do the ones at the bottom so it's easier to identify.

Uh clients c500 and the date is 12 31. line and did so when i run this query we'll have this line deleted.

    Okay so it's deleted as you can see okay

    So that will be pretty much for this video uh in the following videos we will also uh try to export the data the data that.

    We read from the database maybe we can try and export them to csv file we'll try and write to excel or to the dxd file.

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