13 bundle here total size is 2.85 gb near the 3 gb but don't worry i will compress for you in some parts you can download easily in some mb's okay and these files are protected password.
In this i have got google play store and by now for lifetime all password is here okay you see here 3d ischool freeze and snow effects high style.
Here is you see here is a shape file and for photoshop you can edit it ice freeze.
And next is 3d button lightning you see open in.
Window photo viewer okay you see wow you'd write anything back and here is 12 premium 3d metril.
Wars okay now here is 12 metal style here is pro metal style.
Wow next is 37 waiting retrieve blue pinky okay.
And nest is hq that's mean high quality premium metal open window viewer write anything.
3d modern here is a 10 folder modern one two three okay here is modern one wow so add it in photoshop.
For example uh open this one you see in layer area your text is here just but i have no any font like this replace it okay.
Sherry fonte style uh i think this one okay control this.Wow you see no okay amazing you can write anything okay next is wow.
Rooster school vantage special glow decks special gold okay and.
Wow so main folder is here write anything i hope these are useful for you subscribe my channel and.