Update we'll use uh instead of insert we'll use this we'll say update.
Update this table and we'll set uh we'll specify set that will be the you know like the field you want to update let's say we want to update the amount.
Uh to let's say um one two three four five something like this where you can specified criteria where let's say.
Date is equal to let's try to see this let's say we want to update this particular field.
So where uh customer id is equal to this this and the date is equal to may 12. so update this table set the value.
We can just comment this for now so open a connection uh using this connection we'll open up this query and we'll execute it here and let's add a quick button here.
Let's call this date uppercase f5 so the value has been updated one two.
Three four five five six point three three so that's the value we specified yeah now uh we can also you know add parameters in this fashion uh.
For example most of the time when we are writing these uh in vba uh we normally do in this fashion um by specifying okay variable.
Amount something like that so if i set team amount as double and we can specify .
Let's say this is the value uh we can
Also write in this fashion or we can also uh do in this fashion as well yeah so uh here we can specify.That um amount and then um even the criteria can be added and client and this can be an amount in the same fashion we did.
Earlier you can write in this fashion as well and then you pass in the parameters value from here .
So you can write in this fashion as well this as well and in this question as well so update this transaction table amount will be this.
Placeholder parameter value this will be our conditions um so for the same date we want to set the value to this value now let's survive.
Okay type mismatch okay that's my bad so dd okay sorry this is my bad this will be d-day and this will be clt and amount is here.
Let's try to reload this refresh f5 looks like it didn't update let's give me once again this is this amount customer id.
Is at okay just reloading this the parameter name was not correct looks like i'm still missing out.
Something okay i think this is not how we add it for the the update query uh we'll have to use.
That with value and then we'll directly
Specify the value here okay um so similarly we'll do it here and we'll.Plug in the value there itself add with value and i'm gonna line this parameters as well with uh.
let's give it a shot okay so looks like it got updated now uh we'll give it one more try okay so now it it is working it's a.
Couple of things before we wind up this video um now we are executing you know using non-query.
And then this parameter seems like it does not understand the name of these parameters so only when i align this you know parameters it seems to work.
This works with uh when we are reading the data um so yeah that will be pretty much it in the next video we will try and try to.