Just uh make a few changes to this it's going to be short video i'll call this export vocal data csv so here instead of insert into we'll do select all okay select.
All into and then we want to select this into the text file on this csv file so uh select all into this this this and this will be the file.
Name let's call this sample let's call this output okay and then so select okay there's a table like all into.
This file okay despite this file from let's say we want to export from clients table uh we'll just leave it till here and then we will execute it in this.
Version yeah so again let's address one button let's call this export here let's give it a shot.
For example here we can say where [Music] state.
State is equal to d a now i'll just make this bigger so now we will have only the data relating to.
The state da okay um so that will be all in this short video in the next video i'll demonstrate uh for the txt file and for excel as well.
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