No way and uh here i am making a video of my own so uh yeah i'm i'm quitting youtube live but i definitely wanted to.
Share with you what we're doing next and why we're doing it now it has been an incredible journey i looked at the videos and we started.
Doing these live shows stock power bi four years ago more than four years ago so you can do the math i mean almost every week.
We missed a few fridays but every friday i've been there with you and you've been there with me thank you so much for that and we've hung out and i've made connections i've made.
Friendships and of course a lot of you have joined us in our programs and learned power bi family and our high level programs and uh yeah we i've probably spent.
Lasted uh eight plus hours that was a talk power bi marathon but yeah i'm not going to do that anymore so what are we doing next so we are not doing youtube.
We are going to continue the live part and i'm going to tell you about that that what is coming next but i think what's more important is for me to share that why we're making.
This change and i've always said that you know kind of the outer changes in my life outer breakthroughs if you will.
Have been preceded by an interchange and i think i'm at a point where i really want to acknowledge the change that i'm going through and that is about the mission that i.
Believe in the cause that i want to serve and really the shift has been around teaching people power bi or telling them teaching them coaching.
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Them guiding them on how
They can leverage their power bi skills the technical skills the business acumen to create breakthrough success in their career whether that.Be as an employee that be as in consultant or that be as a business leader doesn't matter frankly they're not that different although we do have.
Separate programs we have one for consultants and we're planning to launch one soon for business leaders but really they're not that different.
Fundamentally they're doing kind of the same things to create that life to create a life by design where they're in the driver's seat so i'm not gonna go into a lot more detail.
I do talk about that non-stop pretty much all my live shows so yeah this shift from teaching power bi to.
This level right so that's that's the shift and as part of that of course what i've really fallen in love with is working with a smaller group but.
A tighter group right where where they believe what i believe in and it's we're working towards that cause not just you know yeah how do you write this tax measure so of.
Course our power bi consulting program is 21 members right now and there are three guides so there's this one to seven ratio in there of each guy they're like seven members.
And uh the power via pioneer the business leader program we envision it the same way again to be launched soon but.
We imagined it to be a smaller group and
In a way it reminds me of when i when we started the learn power bi program and it started with just about 20 people and.Frankly that was the best experience ever and i want to go back to that in some way now of course i'm going to continue to serve the learned power via community i'm.
Yeah i mean i i feel like that's a starting step or a lot of people kind of start there so i have to kind of serve them there before they can start thinking about these high level.
Goals but again my mission is to help them elevate to that level so that's kind of the change that's driving it so again.
What we're changing is a youtube part now it was it's kind of a toss up and again i don't get stuck on kind of technology but sometimes small changes can make a.
Difference so we're we're going to try out zoom webinar and i'm excited about it frankly there's just one feature that i'm most excited.
About which i've really missed in youtube so if you've been on the live shows you've seen there's this odd dynamic where some people join on youtube.
And or learn power bi members are in a zoom call and it's always kind of awkward and sometimes i want to we have a great question from somebody in the audience on youtube and.
I would love to just talk to them just hear more of their story and really serve them and that's what i'm excited about it's really that one feature when zoom.
Webinar i can just unmute any participant and have them be in the discussion have that join that discussion so we're going to go that way i'm.
Expecting it's going to be a smaller group i mean it's youtube is not going to be kind of promoting my show so it's whoever chooses to join whoever.
Registers for the webinar so we might get a smaller audience but frankly at this point i'm looking forward to that i'm going to have this have this small.
Group of people but i can really kind of serve them really stay focused on them rather than any of those youtube numbers and metrics and view counts and.
All of that stuff i mean i appreciate it i appreciate all my followers but but i i really feel that this is the way that i can serve you better so what are we doing next.
We're kicking it off with something really exciting so we have done the talk power bi q a for a long time but i realized that you know my heart is.
Really again to serve people on that career front is that how do they leverage their technical skills to create breakthrough success in their career as an employee consultant.
Business leader doesn't matter so this stock barbie q a next week is going to be on a zoom webinar but is going to be focused on career specific questions so.
If you have any questions submit those we're going to send notifications for that there may be a link.
Uh down below or we'll send it next week and and and yeah and again i'm i'm seeing this as really interactive where we would unmute the person and i i can really.
Have a conversation with them i can ask them what's going on and not just you know read off their question and then tell them what i think as if i'm the.
Expert no let's let's have it be a dialogue and who knows maybe others will jump into the conversation in fact that that could be great.
So yeah we're gonna try it and i'm super excited for this so um uh again the talkbar via tradition continues the live shows continues because i love that i love hanging out.
With all of you but we're gonna be switching platforms and we're going to be on zoom webinar and i'm going to be looking forward to hanging out with you.