I am the bee yeah how you doing this morning joe good good super super excited to talk about excel's integration with uh powerpoint oh yeah yeah that was another topic that uh you guys chose uh last week as well uh there was a lot of questions about how to get excel sheets into powerpoint and everything like that and uh i i totally forgot to mention that our powerpoint i think it's our powerpoint advanced videos cover that as.
Well but we'll cover it in today's show and then uh yeah that's i totally forgot about that but that's gonna be today's topic uh just some quick updates um our shorts will be uh going forward we'll be available in spanish and portuguese i've just got uh i just got those dubs back so i'll start putting those up those will start happening after uh august 9th all the all the shorts going forward will be you'll have three languages to select from uh english uh spanish or portuguese uh we're still.
Working on getting our longer form videos available in all those languages as well and then we're still waiting for uh hindi to become an option as well so hopefully we'll have that available for everybody excuse me there so uh yeah so that's i think that's really the only big update um i know i've been talking about excel vba dropping um the last chunk of that is being edited and once that's all put together we'll get that out to you guys uh the channel might look a little bit different to uh some long time viewers we kind of move.
Stuff around a little bit uh just put the most uh you know stuff that everyone's kind of looking for on our channel up front so it's easy to find for everybody and then also finally uh i don't know how many guys watch our older videos but we kind of curated all of our older videos uh we took out a lot of stuff that wasn't really performing for the channel anymore so if there was like any old video that you guys were referencing heavily or anything like that that's now gone please let us know we did remove a lot but everything we removed was stuff that had you know very small amount of.
Views but there was quite a few of them and um you know sometimes people use you know save those links and reference them all the time so if there was any video that you guys may have missed let us know in the comments or anything like that uh if if there's any videos that you would like us to uh put back up we saved all of them so they're not gone forever it's just you know they're no longer publicly available so that's all the updates for me any updates on your n joe nothing on my end uh i am trying to right now come up with a python course so hopefully uh once.
Are going to the office um you know what i do have this though i do have this again i'm a huge 49er fan and for anyone that wants to have something on your coffee table this is the 75th anniversary legacy of greatness photo book it's an incredible book it's published by the san francisco chronicle not a sponsor it's just something i really like they have a lot of the older photos and stuff like that oh wow and all the old articles and the original write-ups in there.
Anyone that's a huge 49er fan it's a great coffee table piece or just something to have around um i've flipped through it numerous times so go niners oh got our first person to oh i'll take care of that on the backside joe don't worry about that bombed in the chat uh popping up on a lot of channels other channels too it's not just us so um.
The new uh new excel stuff that's coming out i mean oh is there i'm completely unaware yeah yeah it's gonna be a lot of fun it's it's all around i don't know why they're moving into stocks but yeah they're like updating all their stocks data's um functions so that's pretty cool yeah yeah that's pretty cool um well actually that's that's not surprising there's so many uh people now you know in retail investing everything like that is what they call it which is just your average person you know jumping into the.
Stock market uh you know people want to have more tools to track all their stuff you know you have incredible tools in the trading stuff but i also you know a lot of people like to have their own thing going there and everything like that so that makes sense to me yeah and i'm super excited i'm just waiting for it to drop on my end once it does i'm gonna showcase it in one of these shows it's um a new type of video that is embedded into your powerpoints but it's a live video so what the stock tick ticker then.
Well no no so um when you run a powerpoint show you can actually insert a video it could be a circle it could be a star it could be a square you can use any shape at all you can insert it into the powerpoint slides and then when you run the show it turns on your camera and directly feeds into that camera space that you just created so that is yeah that's really really cool because when you're doing a whole presentation you can just have that on instead of having like a zoom camera on.
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And it's kind of like you're right there on the slide so i'm really excited for that that's that's actually pretty cool
Zoom within uh what you call it yeah within yeah within shapes and and powerpoint yeah he said a dog stepped on a b and i'm seeing that b yes it is that v abdul last week was a b and everyone voted for joe to stay as the b so um that's by popular demand we're giving we're giving the the people what they want i like that though my dog stepped on a.Bee [Laughter] all right um let's jump into it yeah let's get right into it so uh what we're going to be talking about today is being able to embed excel tables inside of powerpoint which um they actually got a lot better within the newer features if you have like an older version it might still be quite tedious to do but with the newer features it's actually not too bad so with that said i'm going to share my screen here for a second.
All right give me just a second right here all right there we go everyone can see my screen all right yep they should so i'm going to open up my powerpoint do a blank presentation and where you can find this tool set is going to be in the insert tab so this is where we're going to be focusing on today is insert and then we'll talk about tables now of course you can create a table that's created by powerpoint and it just.
Inserts a normalized table you can choose the size you can also draw the table or insert a table and choose how many columns and rows you want but that's once again just going to be and let me just uh no no pun intended there it's going to be a table that's created from powerpoint so for instance if i wanted to just quickly you know create a table i can do so start writing in it name.
You know date and maybe salary right so this is great powerpoint has a great table design you can you know use some table sign options that you might be familiar with from excel also you have some like quick styles you can you know bold the lines add different markings here maybe you want a border and then you can grab it and do different borders here which is great but at the same time it doesn't have all the functionalities as an excel table so the only problem is.
People are like well joe i want some functions i want all that fun stuff that excel has so what you would need to do instead of using this table design from powerpoint which once again is great you're going to want to use probably excel's table so i'm going to show you what that looks like the first thing i'll do let me just delete that out is i'm going to go to enter tab and inside the insert tab we are going to use the excel spreadsheet now once i give that a click.
It's going to open up the actual excel interface so you might be wondering joe this kind of looks like powerpoint still but really if you take a look at the tabs the different tabs here really this is powerpoint but within it is excel so even though we are in the powerpoint application we are actually diving straight into excel's tool set where we have different pivot tables we can use we can you know grab data load it into the power query we have all the same functionalities as if.
We were in excel but really we're in powerpoint now one of the biggest problems that people have is with the table itself see when you click away from it it stays the same size that it was showcasing when you first entered in the the actual excel table so if you click into the excel table you can move it around you can make it bigger which is great but the problem comes with well joe what happens if i want you know the rest of my data that i have in here.
So when you double click into this and let's say we write name we do date and then we also do salary just like we did before what people get upset about is this they're like i can't why is it not showing name and then i'll click back into it they made this a little easier but the trick around this is instead of just like whatever's displaying here is what's going to be in part of your table because it doesn't know if you want the full data set so it's actually trying to.
Help you because it's like well maybe joe only wants the name and the date and not the salary if you want to
Incorporate the salary you're going to have to use these little sizing bullets here that are going all the way across or around right and once you use these sizing bullets what you can then do is let's say i do want to include the salary i can go over here click and drag and include that cell so when i click away now now it's including name date and salary the reason i love this.So much is because not only can we pick and choose what data we want to showcase but we can quickly after we click out of the editing box once we just click on the table we can make it really big so this is one of my favorite integrations with excel and powerpoint because there's just so much functionality to it so let's say for instance going back to this if you had data that you wanted to and you're like joe is there any way to import the data although there is no way to import the data you're more than.
Welcome to open up an excel file let's say i open up some fake data set let's say this is the data that i want to incorporate so i'm going to select all the data control a i'm going to use control c to copy it and then i'll click over here and i'm just going to use control v to paste it now it'll tell me that the data you're pasting is in the same size as your selection do you want to paste it anyway i'm going to say okay and the reason it's telling me that is because it's like joe you know we're only going to be looking at this stuff.
We're not looking at everything so the first thing i'll do is i'm going to make this really nice and pretty i'm going to incorporate the rest of the information here and once again whatever you're selecting is what's going to be included so since j has nothing in it i'll probably just go back to what i had where it just goes to pay rate and then i can just simply pick and choose what i want if i wanted to like get rid of the phone extensions once.
Again we are in excel so we we're like technically in excel so we can delete that stuff maybe i want the first name last name employee id i can even if i wanted to move like first name first i can use all the same keyboard shortcuts hold down the shift key and switch between two columns here that looks good so we have employee id first name last name department maybe i don't need the email.
Location and that's important higher date and pay rate and once again i'm just going to shrink this up because i want it to only display from employee id to pay rate if i keep those two cells those empty ones there when i click away it's gonna have two empty cells it's just not gonna look right so you wanna be sure that you're constantly just resizing this to what your data set is and i think this looks good there is no way to incorporate all of this because it's such a big data set you could get.
As much as you want in there and maybe do a continuation but then once i do this i think that looks good i'm gonna just move this up a little more and there we go now i'll click away and this is what it looks like and once again i can you know shrink this up if i wanted to shrink it a little bit maybe add both data sets here and then add the other one here you're more than welcome to do things like that and you'll see all it does is just shrinks it without worrying about like.
Those pound signs because realistically we're still in powerpoint so that's the best part about this i might just do another one here i might just insert over here and then i would just copy the information and you can do things like that but i think it looks great now we have our information now that it's just a shape and powerpoint now we can start to use shape formatting for this so maybe i want the outline to be like blue or whatever you want let me make that weight a little there.
We go something like six point and then we can add like data and this is part of uh really just doing like data design not a lot of people know this too if you insert let's say i insert a shape let's say i'll do a rounded um rounded corner rectangle when you insert a shape you can actually use shapes as like titles the minute you create a shape all you have to do is start typing and there you go so not a lot of people know that people.
Will like make a shape and then make a text box and try to group them and do all this stuff but shapes automatically can have text inside of them so here i would just say um employee data 2022 and then you have some editing options here i'll make this a little bit bigger i'll use ctrl shift greater than or less than that's a little keyboard shortcut greater than or less than control shift greater than to make it a little bigger i'm going to offset this a little bit.
Like that i think i like that design and then the last thing i might do here just to add more design here maybe i'll had some information here or yeah i'm thinking why not let's make this actually look good let's do an icon here let's do somebody um thinking and i love the cutout peoples that they started adding to powerpoint this is one.
Of my favorite things and once again you can find that once you go to insert if you go to icons they have so many things now cartoon people they have illustrations they have all types of things i like to cut out people because everything's already ready to go and if you just type in like thinking it'll start to come up with a lot of just different things so ooh this one looks really cool here uh actually i like this one.
I'm going to offset i'm going to make this a little bigger and i'm going to do that just like that and then maybe i'll put um let's put her in the back i'm gonna send to the back so that this is in front and then watch how cool this is i could do something like fun here let's do [Music] this.
Have some data that she's holding i think that looks great and then maybe for this one i'm gonna put this now since i don't want her fingers singing through i'll just put this forward and then i think this is gonna look good i'll do a nice little yeah that looks good and then it looks like she's actually holding it so there we go i think this looks great we could probably move her over a little more i'm going to also hold the ctrl key.
To select both of these and i'm probably going to group them so that they're all one piece so i could just move this nicely now and look how nice this looks i think this is great now when you showcase this i think that's a great way to present data and once again this is great because we have all the same excel tools so if i wanted to like add on the bottom there some sort of totals i can actually use the sum function to do that so i could just once again like double click into this.
And then i can add some sort of fun sum function because all of this still works the sum functions everything works equals sum and then i could just grab all my data here and there we go really cool i i love the way that that this works um but yeah hopefully hopefully you all enjoyed that if you want to see more with like inserting and designing let me know in the chat i'm more than happy to do that it's.
Always important to design your your slides right so even doing something like this is important or let's say that i had i don't know i'll show you anyway i think this is a good good point so let's say i wanted to share with you my favorite um i think my favorite animals and then i had a couple of different things like i love dogs i love cats and i love dolphins.
Okay so this looks pretty plain right now right so just going back into like that designing phase you you want to be able to design different slides and i have a couple of techniques the first technique is once again using a shape where we can just utilize let's say for instance a rectangle this is called the flooring technique and just by simply adding a rectangle to the bottom of the slide look how that looks right away it just.
Looks a lot better than what it did right because it's now adding some sort of design to it we can also do a sealing technique just like this and of course we would send that all the way to the back so that it's not covering our title here you could bring it down a little bit to incorporate the title you can also use the flooring technique with one of your let's say logos right so let's say i want to create a logo.
Here i'll insert a picture from online and i'll do uh learn its logo let's do learn it logo and i'm just going to make that a little smaller there and just by using this flooring technique you've now created a fun little design where it incorporates your actual your actual logo in there too just by using the flooring technique.
There's other ways to design things too you don't only have to use flooring i've done things like bubbles i've done a bunch of different just fun stuff like even creating a let's let's call it a target i'll create a target here for a minute create a nice little circle i'm gonna make sure that i fill the shape with nothing i just want it to be a circle so i will fill that with no fill i'll duplicate that using control d for duplication hopefully you're all.
Enjoying those keyboard shortcuts they go a long way i'm then going to hold the ctrl key and i'm going to make sure that that stays center if you don't hold the control key this is what it would look like see how it's moving outside if you hold the control key it centers it so that's a cool little trick as well and then i'll do the same thing i'll duplicate this ctrl d put it on top and then i will hold the ctrl key and center it.
And i'll do one more ctrl d put it on top then i will temper it just like that now i'm going to draw some lines like i'll do insert shapes and do a couple of fun lines here let's go right here with a line let's go i'll duplicate that line let's go right here with the line and let's duplicate that line and let's go right.
There with the line yeah that looks good that's going to be really nice now i want to make sure that the shape doesn't come undone so what i will do is i'm going to select all of it and you can just click and drag to select all the pieces then you go to shape formatting and you can group those pieces and now it's all one shape and now i can just duplicate that shape so now i can take this shape let's put this one over here really small we'll do one here we'll do this shape.
Right here you can even off center it a little bit i'll do another shape maybe up top right here and maybe one more in the corner yeah i think this one will look good over here a little off centered as well there we go so now we have some sort of design now you might be thinking well joe i don't really like the way that.
Looks because it's like cutting into dog well what you would do is you would just go to shape fill and i would just make it a very light color so when you do well don't use shape it'll actually use shape outline and make it a light color so it kind of looks like it's transparent a little bit so it's like part of the slide in the background and now what we've created if you play it is this fun little design just by.
Making a couple of circles and a couple of lines we have now made a cool design that nobody else has that's the best part about this nobody else has these designs so no longer do you have to sit there and use the design tab and pick the same designs that we've seen a thousand times now we can create our own by just using some fun shapes that's it you don't have to go too crazy but just have fun with it we can even create a design here where we add some i don't know.
Maybe triangles i'm making this up as i go along we're making this stuff up i'll put a triangle here i'll duplicate that i want one up top here so i'm going to let's rotate this let's do a yeah let's do a flip like that and then let's rotate it like that and look we just created a design just by using two triangles we've added so much more to this now so when we play it it just looks good you know it looks it looks like we're presenting data in a great way instead of just putting a table in the.
Middle and saying oh here's unemployed data we've now incorporated a human which this is really important to use humans and people in our slideshows because it has empathy right so you can see she's very happy about the data it makes us feel a certain way when we see her we're getting happy about the data and that's all about the psychology of powerpoint which is a whole nother course that we offer so feel free to check that out as well but with that said i think that's it you got a little bit extra i showed you how we.