My Studio Tour 2022! Where we film & tools we use

My Studio Tour 2022! Where we film & tools we use [Music] welcome to the studio today we're going to be doing a different type of video i'm going to take you through the studio this is the place i work and it's the.

Place where we record the videos so come with me let's start with the living room kitchen area let's go here to the kitchen.

So this is the small kitchen that i have and the only place in this kitchen that i use is this area where i make my coffee mix it with water.

And that's about it sometimes i drink green tea which i have right here i even have this i want to make the proper green tea at least i think it's proper.

Here we have the mugs and the water cups the fridge which is pretty much empty there's a microwave here.

That i think i used once and i nearly broke it um oven never used sink stove.

My Studio Tour 2022! Where we film & tools we use

Never used but it does work yeah that's about it that's this area on this side we have the dining table which is usually empty except for now.

Where we have our team working so the team is visiting this week and we're spending a little bit of time working and the rest of the time enjoying.

So yeah we got also some sweet stuff here from poland that is called sorry sounds japanese.

But we'll put it in the description of the video there is a macbook here which is quite far into the studio but it belongs to.

Camilla our editor he does have the excel sticker on it so it's approved macbook we're gonna let these guys work this is just some storage.

With some pillows that i have for the couch over there this was the drone we used to film the morning thing just kidding.

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    Yeah basically it's my daughter's toy she she uses that when she comes over here she does her homework and then she plays.

    A bit she visits from time to time not every day after school here is the couch i don't really use this area but i have taken naps here and i have spent some.

    Nights here when we had some late workshops i would just crash here some some days not too often though so that's this area.

    Then let's move that way we're gonna enter the most important room in the studio the toilet okay so i'll just let that sink in let.

    It be featured let's move backwards and here we're going to enter the bathroom again i don't really use this area except here we have a nice mirror.

    And some products that i use to to prepare for the videos when we're filming and that's it we have a closet here very small closet with some of the.

    The outfits that i use in the videos this way i don't have to carry it every time from home to here some extra equipment that we use in the studio and of course.

    Some essentials that we have in here okay so that's it for the bathroom now we're gonna enter our studio space.

    [Music] which is the place that i spent most of my time in this is my desk area this is the place i.

    Do our recordings so all these

    Screencast recordings are done here that's the microphone that i use and i did make a separate video just recently about my desk setup so if you.

    You know if you want more details about the equipment that's on here it's going to be in that video and i'm going to link to it in the description that's a lamp i use like the winter time.

    Is really dark here and if i work in the evenings i'm reading something this lamp definitely helps because my eyesight is not like it used to be.

    This is a sound absorbing board that we actually we can move this around so when i'm here doing the screencast i have one on this side and one on this side but if we're filming somewhere else.

    We just move this to the area that we're filming and now this is the james bond set so we call it the james bond set because we have jean connery featured here.

    You might have noticed this in the videos but this picture is usually kind of blurry so you don't see it but he's there we have an old austrian radio that we.

    Took from christian's that we refurbished it it doesn't work it's refurbished for the purpose of this set then we store some equipment here lots.

    Of cables and some other stuff a light there chair we have a bunch of rocks carpets on the floor it's it.

    Really makes a difference the more stuff you have in the room the better it is for the sound on this side we have another set.

    That we use from time to time it's not that often used because it is a bit weird sitting on this comfortable couch making excel videos.

    So i use it for drinking coffee just replying to some text messages but i don't really use it to work here but you can see the lights that we actually use for our videos.

    Are here that's the microphone for the headshots and these lights are moved around depending on which set we're filming this is a great light i didn't have this.

    Originally when we started i only had these but this really makes a big difference okay so that's that let's move on.

    To this area actually before we move here um another thing that we have on the ceiling are all of these acoustic panels or.

    Foams that are stuck to the ceiling and they also make a big difference for the sound quality now this set is the set that you're probably most.

    Familiar with if you've been watching the videos this is the place i feel most comfortable to film we have a shelf in the background some of the books that these are all my.

    Books some of the books that i refer to quite often i've brought here rest of my books are at home in.

    In my other office there as you can see this part is the nice area and down there we've done some stuff like.

    These are some stickers from my daughter everything out of view so that in the videos everything looks nice and organized we have a plant here and one here these.

    Are fake plants if you've watched my other video you know i'm not a fan of plants.

    You know like plants with purpose that's what we need um they have to be eatable so that's why they're fake here that's about it we have a lot of.

    Acoustic foams up there as well on the side here even on the door and that's the studio this gives us basically one two.

    Three four different sets that we can use to film our videos it's a small space but it gives us many different opportunities of changing things around.

    Because things can can get boring yeah so that's about it that was the studio tour thank you for watching i know this was a kind of a different type of video so let.

    Me know in the comments what you think thank you for being here and i'm gonna catch you in the next video [Music].

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